Livres d'Informatique en Anglais

Number Name Size Bytes
Files: 0     Size: 0 Bytes
00000001 Maximum Accessibility Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone(2002).chm 6517763
Files: 1     Size: 6 517 763 Bytes
Activ Directory/
00000002 070-291 Syngress - Planning, Implementing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure. Study Guide.pdf 11911507
00000003 070-294 Actualtests - Planning, Implementing And Maintaining A Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure v07.09.04.pdf 6392955
00000004 070-297 Testking Designing A Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory And Network Infrastructure Study Guide v19 12 Case Studies 123Q.pdf 2870159
00000005 70-294 MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit Planning, Implementing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure.pdf 10689949
00000006 70-297 Microsoft Mcse 2003 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory And Network Infrastructure.pdf 1561472
00000007 Active Directory Services For Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical Reference.pdf 725024
00000008 MCSE 70-294 Exam Cram Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft® Windows Server? 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure.chm 7160716
00000009 Microsoft (70-297) Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure.pdf 1746174
00000010 Microsoft Exchange Server - chapter 4 - Connecting Active Directory to Exchange 5.5 - P_04_TT1.doc 1130496
00000011 Microsoft Press - 70-294 - Planning, Implementing, And Maintaining A Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure Dec.pdf 10480999
00000012 Microsoft.Press.MCSE.Self.Paced.Training.Kit.Exam.70-294.Planning.Implementing.and.Maintaining.a.Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.Active.Directory.Infras.chm 24456555
00000013 Moc, (Course 4358A) Deploying And Managing Active Directory Federation Services In Microsoft Windows Server 2003 r2 (2006) Lib.pdf 11417606
00000014 MOC,.(Course.4357A).Managing.Data.Storage.Using.Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.R2.(2006).LiB.pdf 9012882
00000015 MSPress,.MCSE.Training.Kit.(70-294).Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure.pdf 10565724
00000016 MSPress.MCSE.Training.Kit.70.294).Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.Active.Directory.Infrastructure.2004).BM.OCR.6.0.pdf 7829549
00000017 Sybex - 70-294 Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure 2nd Ed - 2006.pdf 14874489
00000018 TestKing - Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure - Exam 70-297 - v18.0.pdf 11023851
00000019 TestKing - Planning, Implementing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure. v46.pdf 10133692
Files: 18     Size: 153 983 799 Bytes
Agents Mobiles/
00000020 Kogan Page - Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications [2002].pdf 1409711
Files: 1     Size: 1 409 711 Bytes
Agents SMA/
00000021 Addison Wesley - Building Intelligent .NET Applications 2005.chm 4001608
00000022 Artificial Intelligent Topics with Agents - Grimshaw.pdf 9519122
00000023 Building Intelligent.NET Applications - Agents, Data Mining, Rule-Based Systems, and Speech Processing.chm 4001608
00000024 Dautehnahn, Bond, Canamero, Edmonds (eds.) Socially intelligent agents.. creating relationsihps (Kluwer,.pdf 2110369
00000025 ebook - 1998 - Wiley - Constructing Intelligent Agents With Java.chm 1876362
00000026 Idea Group - Agent-Oriented Methodologies.pdf 11528170
00000027 Idea Group - 5964852
00000028 Idea Group - Creating Knowledge Based Organizations.chm 6365687
00000029 Idea Group - Designing Distributed Environments with Intelligent Software Agents.chm 6574978
00000030 Idea Group - Intelligent Agents For Data Mining And Information Retrieval.pdf 5718860
00000031 John Wiley & Sons - Constructing_Intelligent_Agents_Using_Java.pdf 16422634
Files: 11     Size: 74 084 250 Bytes
Algo Programmation/
00000032 Addison-Wesley - Learn C++ on the Macintosh - Dave Mark.pdf 1952999
00000033 John English - Ada 95 The Craft Of Object-Oriented Programming.pdf 1442349
00000034 Learning - Visual Basic 6 Programming Black Book (eBook).pdf 5550193
00000035 Metrowerks - Pascal Programming.pdf 2449143
00000036 Microsoft - Microsoft Visual C++ 6 key features and lab exercises.doc 1002496
00000037 MIT Press - Introduction To Algorithms 2Nd Edition Incl Exercises Edition.chm 18752859
00000038 Oracle - Ada, Sql Module For Ada Programmer'S Guide.pdf 648952
00000039 O'Reilly - Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL (CHM).chm 1847028
00000040 PHP Documentation Group - Programmation Langage PHP4 v6.pdf 7399965
00000041 Prentice Hall - Applications Interface Programming Using Multiple Languages -2003.chm 13798932
00000042 Prolog Programming - A First Course (1988).pdf 2259329
Files: 11     Size: 57 104 245 Bytes
Bases Donnees/
00000043 (ebook) Oracle 10g XML Developers Kit Programmers Guide.pdf 8762747
00000044 Idea Group - Advanced Topics in Database Research, Volume 3 - 2004.pdf 14401590
00000045 Morgan.Kaufmann Data and Databases Concepts in Practice 1999.pdf 1528523
00000046 Y.Manalopoulos - Spatial Databases - Technologies, Techniques and Trends.pdf 6066267
Files: 4     Size: 30 759 127 Bytes
Big Data/
00000047 Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop.pdf 3591148
00000048 Big Data Fundamentals.pdf 10605158
00000049 Cloud Networking for Big Data.pdf 3954796
00000050 Complete Guide to Open Source Big Data Stack.pdf 9984689
00000051 Eric_Siegel_Predictive_Analytics_The_Power.pdf 10471969
00000052 understanding-machine-learning-theory-algorithms.pdf 2601512
Files: 6     Size: 41 209 272 Bytes
Data Mining/
00000053 - Wiley _ Sons - Data Mining Cookbook - Modeling Data For Marketing, Risk, And Customer Relations.pdf 6929324
00000054 [CS] -- Data Mining eBook - Springer - Survey of Text Mining - Clustering, Classification and Retrieval [Scan, OCR] - 2004 - (By Laxxuss).pdf 5974232
00000055 [Data.Warehousing.And.Data.Mining.For.Telecommunications].pdf 2250960
00000056 Copie de Kluwer Academic Publishers - High Performance Data Mining.pdf 1211763
00000057 Data Mining - Designing a Business Intelligence Solution for the Enterprise Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.pdf 9200690
00000058 Data Mining - Know It All (Elsevier, 2009).pdf 6870183
00000059 Data Mining In Medical Databases.pdf 8832994
00000060 Data mining- multimedia, soft computing, _ bioinformatics. 2003. 0471460540. (WILEY).pdf 21933578
00000061 Data Mining on Multimedia Data.pdf 2253979
00000062 Elsevier - Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools 2005.pdf 5615272
00000063 IBM - Simple Integration of Advanced Data Mining Functions.pdf 5891035
00000064 Idea Group - Data Mining Opportunities and Challenges.pdf 4752338
00000065 Idea Group - Organizational.Data.Mining.chm 5520601
00000066 John Wiley & Sons - Data Mining - Multimedia, Soft Computing and Bioinformatics 2003.pdf 21933378
00000067 John Wiley & Sons - Data Mining Concepts Models Methods And Algorithms.pdf 21368895
00000068 John Wiley & Sons - Data Mining Cookbook.pdf 6933950
00000069 John Wiley & Sons - Data Mining Methods And Models 2006.pdf 6504156
00000070 John Wiley & Sons - Data Mining with SQL Server 2005.pdf 6658276
00000071 John Wiley & Sons - Discovering Knowledge In Data - 2005.pdf 5442336
00000072 Lawrence Erlbaum - The Handbook Of Data Mining.pdf 9261505
00000073 Mcgraw Hill - Data Mining With Neural Networks 1996.pdf 12942181
00000074 Mining Text Data.pdf 11556234
00000075 Miscrosoft - SQL Data Mining.pdf 2070223
00000076 Mit Press - Principles Of Data Mining.pdf 3869693
00000077 Morgan Kaufmann - Business Modeling and Data Mining.chm 11699678
00000078 Morgan Kaufmann - Data Mining - Concepts and Techniques.pdf 3527784
00000079 Self-Organising Data Mining.pdf 5555574
00000080 Springer - Data.Mining.with.Computational.Intelligence.2005.pdf 4719606
00000081 The Top Ten Algorithms In Data Mining (Crc Press 2009).pdf 4097267
00000082 Wiley - Interscience Data Mining The Web Uncovering Patterns In Web Content Structure And Usage.pdf 7115016
00000083 World Scientific Press - Data Mining In Time-Series Databases.pdf 4152451
00000084 Xu - Clustering [data mining] (Wiley, 2009).pdf 7197692
Files: 32     Size: 243 842 844 Bytes
00000085 (Apress).Building a Data Warehouse, with Examples in SQL Server (2011).pdf 10599239
00000086 (ebook) Getting Started with Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence.pdf 2024681
00000087 5282_Best_Practices_for_a_Data_Warehouse_on_Oracle_Database_11g.pdf 3322213
00000088 Addison.Wesley Data Binding with Windows Forms 2 Programming Smart Client Data Applications with .NET.chm 5942850
00000089 Apress - Building A Data Warehouse, With Examples In Sql Server (2008).pdf 12427401
00000090 Building the Data Warehouse 4 ed [Wiley, 2005].pdf 12481816
00000091 Data Warehouse - Intranet Business Systems - Data Warehousing-Architecture And Implementation.pdf 2994583
00000092 Data Warehouse - Oracle Warehouse Builder.pdf 6400120
00000093 Data Warehouse Database Design_Oracle.pdf 1765125
00000094 Datawarehouse Oracle.pdf 4136752
00000095 DB2 9.1.1 Data Warehouse Installation Guide c1898002.pdf 858984
00000096 IBM Managing Multidimensional Data Marts With Visual Warehouse And Db2 Olap Server.pdf 3726289
00000097 IBM Redbooks Getting Started with DataWarehouse and Business Intelligence.pdf 1904243
00000098 Idea Group - Spatial Databases - Technologies, Techniques And Trends - 2005.pdf 6078406
00000099 Moc 2092A Populating A Data Warehouse With Microsoft Sql Server 2000 Dts.pdf 16137860
00000100 Morgan Kaufmann - Database Design for Smarties Using UML Data Modeling (1999).pdf 9657420
00000101 Prentice Hall - Designing A Data Warehouse- Supporting Customer Relationship Management.chm 2393572
00000102 Rampant - The DatawareHouse Ebusiness DBA Handbook.pdf 3854525
00000103 Springer Semistructured Database Design Web Information Systems Engineering And Internet Technologies 2005.pdf 6727615
00000105 The Data Warehouse Toolkit - The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (2nd Ed 2002 Wiley) - Kimball _ Ross.pdf 4679942
00000106 Wiley - Mastering Data Warehouse Design - Relational And Dimensional Techniques - 2003.pdf 2670122
00000107 Wiley - The Datawarehouse Toolkit 2Nd Ed v2.pdf 2937494
00000108 Wiley Publishing - The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit.pdf 5571830
00000109 Wiley.Mastering.Data.Warehouse.Aggregates.Solutions.for.Star.Schema.Performance 2006.pdf 6376986
Files: 25     Size: 142 706 479 Bytes
00000110 CRC press - Computational Intelligence in Manufacturing Handbook.pdf 12437985
00000111 Idea Group - Architectural Issues of Web-Enabled Electronic Business.pdf 4265102
00000112 Idea Group - Business Intelligence in the Digital Economy.pdf 3703192
00000113 Idea Group - Business Strategies For Information Technology Management (2003).chm 3005362
00000114 Idea Group - 8709847
00000115 Idea Group - E-Human Resources Magement - Managing Knowledge People.pdf 4459394
00000116 Idea Group - Intelligent Enterprises Of The 21st Century (2004).chm 4885683
00000117 Idea Group - Managing E-Commerce And Mobile Computing Technologies, 2003.chm 5433520
00000118 Idea Group - Managing Information Technology in Small Business.pdf 1443425
00000119 Idea Group - Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities.chm 1454882
00000120 Idea Group - Managing.Business.With.Sap.Planning.Implementation.and.Evaluation 2004.pdf 3030041
00000121 Idea Group - Strategies For Information Technology Governance 2004.chm 13468555
00000122 Idea Group - Web Portals - The New Gateways To Internet Information And Services 2005.pdf 7268302
00000123 IRM Press - E-commerce.and.M-commerce.Technologies.(2004).pdf 4677072
00000124 John Wiley & Sons - MMS. Technologies, Usage and Business Models.pdf 5373452
00000125 Kluwer Academic - Designing_Personalized_User_Experiences_in_Ecommerce Apr2004.RR.pdf 9277591
00000126 Mining eBay Web Services - Building Applications with the eBay API (Sybex).pdf 7079575
00000127 Ms Press - ECommerce B2B.chm 4207753
Files: 18     Size: 104 180 733 Bytes
00000128 AMACOM.AMA_Handbook_of_E-Learning,_The_Effective_Design,_Implementation,_and_Technology_Solutions.ISBN0814407218.[Jakarta-Underground].chm 3835318
00000129 Catalog Learnkey eLearning.pdf 2470034
00000130 Corporate elearning (Exploring a new frontier).pdf 2076144
00000131 Distance Learning Technology and Applications.pdf 1421608
00000132 E-Learning Glossary English-French.pdf 1108929
00000133 E-Learning Question Answer Survival Guide For Trainers And Business Managers.pdf 2357923
00000134 elearning.And.Virtual.Science.Centers.Jun.2005.pdf 25197651
00000135 e-learning.pdf 2937244
00000136 From Elearning To Km (Bridging The Gap).pdf 3228141
00000137 Idea Group - 2005 - E-learning.Quick.Checklist.pdf 3717017
00000138 Idea Group - Current Issues In It Education - 2005.pdf 4384246
00000139 Idea Group - Distance Learning and University.pdf 3774825
00000140 Idea Group - E-ffective Writing for eLearning Environments - 2004.chm 7084655
00000141 Idea Group - 5057094
00000142 Idea Group - Online Collaborative Learning - Theory And Practice (2004).pdf 3323551
00000143 Idea Group - The Distance Education Evolution Issues and Case Studies.pdf 2618931
00000144 Idea Group - Usability Evaluation Of Online Learning Programs 2003.pdf 5154282
00000145 Idea Group - Web-Based Education - Learning From Experience - 2003.pdf 3192163
00000146 Idea Group - Web-Based Intelligent E-Learning Systems - 2005.pdf 69176447
00000147 Idea Group Inc (2005) E-Learning Quick Checklist.pdf 2880756
00000148 Idea Group Publishing Development and Management of Virtual Schools.pdf 3377903
00000149 IGI, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education (2005) YYePG OCR 7.0-2.6 LotB.pdf 3624001
00000150 Information Science Publishing Assessing The Value Of E-Learning Systems Sep 2005 Ebook-Ddu.pdf 53110929
00000151 InfoSci Publishing - Distance Learning.pdf 4080237
00000152 isbn9789526200415.pdf 1551295
00000153 ISP - Managing ELearning Strategies Design Delivery Implementation and Evaluation [2005].pdf 54917278
00000154 John Wiley & Sons - e-Learning Tools and Technologies.pdf 6721442
00000155 John Wiley & Sons - Macromedia Dreamweaver MX e-Learning Toolkit.pdf 12907773
00000156 John.Wiley.And.Sons - E-Learning.Strategies.How.To.Get.Implementation.And.Delivery.Right.First.Time.eBook-LiB.pdf 2619960
00000157 John.Wiley.and.Sons.Getting.the.Most.from.Online.Learning.A.Learners.Guide.May.2004.eBook-DDU.pdf 1649034
00000158 Kogan Page (2003) - Reusing Online Resources - A Sustainable Approach to E-Learning.pdf 4040043
00000159 Kogan Page (2004) - Blended Learning - How to Integrate Online and Traditional Learning.pdf 659439
00000160 Lawrence Erlbaum - Handbook for Research in Cooperative Education and Internships.pdf 25814286
00000161 Lawrence Erlbaum - Handbook of Distance Education.pdf 4389485
00000162 Lawrence Erlbaum - Learner Centered Theory And Practice In Distance Education.pdf 4259499
00000163 Lawrence.Erlbaum.Associates.Learning.Together.Online.Research.on.Asynchronous.Learning.Networks.pdf 20007690
00000164 Learning - Planning and Design for High-Tech Web-Based Training, Artech House 2002.pdf 3025934
00000165 learning-about-eLearning.pdf 5181440
00000166 M.Driscoll, S.Carliner - Advanced Web-Based Training Strategies - Unlocking Instructionally Sound Online Learning.pdf 12171544
00000167 Mcgraw-Hill - The E-Learning Fieldbook - 2004 - (By Laxxuss).chm 7198336
00000168 Moodle - E-Learning Course Development (2006) - BBL.pdf 6345748
00000169 Morgan Keegan - E-Learning. The Engine Of The Knowledge Economy.pdf 1071288
00000170 New Riders eLearning with Dreamweaver MX Building Online Learning Applications.chm 11181066
00000171 Oracle Programming.pdf 24955462
00000172 PeachpitPress -2002- Macromedia MX eLearning - Advanced Training from the Source.chm 15810855
00000173 Purdue University - Teaching Engineering.pdf 1041234
00000174 Rapid_Intake_Press.Using_Flash_MX_to_Create_e-Learning.ISBN0971508046.[Jakarta-Underground].pdf 13125175
00000175 tony_bates-teaching_in_a_digital_age-fre.pdf 10676710
00000176 Using The Ibm Lotus Learningspace - Virtual Classroom - A Best Practices Guide To E-Learning - Sg246842.pdf 4655642
00000177 Wiley - Beyond E-Learning - 2006.pdf 3113067
00000178 Wiley - E-learning Strategies. How to get implementation and delivery right first time (2003b).PDF 1761016
00000179 Wiley E-learning Strategies.pdf 1985225
00000180 wiley e-learning tools and technologies.pdf 6391737
00000181 Wiley,.Making.Sense.of.Online.Learning.A.Guide.for.the.Beginners.and.the.Truly.Skeptical.pdf 2327771
Files: 54     Size: 490 746 503 Bytes
00000182 Embedded Systems - Single And Multi-Chip Microcontroller Interfacing.pdf 41965530
00000183 Linux for Embedded and Real-time Applications.pdf 7092866
00000184 Microchip - Embedded Control Handbook - Update 2000.pdf 38431411
00000185 Programming_Embedded_Systems_in_C_and_C++_-_OReilly_-_1999.chm 421557
00000186 Real-Time_and_Embedded_Computing_Systems_and_Applications_(Springer-2005).pdf 26671822
00000187 Springer,.Embedded.System.Design.(2006).TLF.pdf 3832662
00000188 TCP-IP Lean--Web Servers for Embedded Systems (2nd Ed.).pdf 11782488
Files: 7     Size: 130 198 336 Bytes
00000189 0387242481 Springer Fuzzy Database Modeling With Xml (Advances In Database Systems).pdf 8387377
00000190 3540260730 - Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery.pdf 7322838
00000191 Fuzzy Expert Systems and Fuzzy Reasoning.pdf 2926192
00000192 Idea.Group.Publishing.Fuzzy.Databases.Modeling.Design.And.Implementation.Oct.2005.eBook-DDU.pdf 5357476
Files: 4     Size: 23 993 883 Bytes
Genie Logiciel/
00000193 (Ebook) Reverse Software Engineering Help & Support.chm 11050638
00000194 Addison-Wesley - Introduction To Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation 2nd.pdf 59371169
00000195 Ansi-Aws Standard b2.1-1998; Specification For Welding Procedure And Performance Qualification (Ebook, 221 Pages).pdf 9760227
00000196 ebook pdf - FEM Theory and Analisys with ANSYS - Prentice Hall, NJ1999.pdf 30473058
Files: 4     Size: 110 655 092 Bytes
Gestion Projet/
00000197 Essentials of Software Project Management.chm 1756476
Files: 1     Size: 1 756 476 Bytes
00000198 Alistair Cockburn - Agile Software Development - The Cooperative Game.pdf 1029923
00000199 Crc Press, Criminal Psychology And Forensic Technology A Collaborative Approach To Effective Profiling (2001) Een Bm Ocr 7.0.pdf 3729913
00000200 David Allen & Co - Implementing David Allen's Workflow Processing Using Outlook.pdf 2754872
00000201 Digital Press - Groupware.Workflow.and.Intranets.(1998).pdf 4793988
00000202 Doctorat - Using a Mobile, Agent-based Environment to support Cooperative Software Processes.pdf 2430851
00000203 Elsevier Organization Design The Collaborative Approach 2005.pdf 2416840
00000204 Group Cognition Computer Support for Building Collaborative Knowledge (MIT Press).pdf 4455478
00000205 Idea Group - 2005.pdf 11639711
00000206 Idea Group - Going Virtual - Distributed Communities of Practice , 2004.chm 3781611
00000207 Management - Virtual And Collaborative Teams.pdf 2065352
00000208 MIT Press - WorkFlow HandBook 2002.pdf 31711239
00000209 MIT Press - Workflow Management--Models, Methods & Systems.pdf 10018091
00000210 Open Source Groupware.pdf 4508365
00000211 Peachpit Press - Web Redesign 2.0 Workflow That Works (2004) Lib.chm 14724999
00000212 Prentice Hall - WebDAV Next-Generation Collaborative Web Authoring 2003.chm 2564032
00000213 Springer - Social Navigation Of Information Space (CSCW - Hci).pdf 4007787
00000214 WebDAV Next-Generation Collaborative Web Authoring 2003.pdf 8684470
Files: 17     Size: 115 317 522 Bytes
Hypermedia Adaptatif/
00000215 IRM Press - Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (2005).pdf 61780981
00000216 IT204_Scripting_and_Web_Authoring_I.pdf 6305977
00000217 John Wiley & Sons,.Product & Process Design Principles - Synthesis, Analysis & Evaluation, 2nd edition.[2003.ISBN0471216631].pdf 54749588
Files: 3     Size: 122 836 546 Bytes
00000218 Addison Wesley Longman AI Structures And Strategies For Complex Problem Solving 3E 1998.pdf 61758695
00000219 Addison Wesley - Neural Networks, Algorithms, Applications, And Programming Techniques.pdf 10599109
00000220 Artificial_Intelligence-A_Guide_to_Intelligent_Systems.pdf 11255455
00000221 Bettina - Digital Photography Workflow Handbook - 2004.pdf 16657056
00000222 Computer Science Press - The Elements Of Artificial Intelligence, An Introduction Using Lisp.pdf 28321059
00000223 CPS 720 - Artificial Intelligence Topics with Agents.pdf 6845759
00000224 CRC Press - Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - Behavioral and Cognitive Modeling ... 2000.pdf 9037392
00000225 CRC Press Artificial Intelligence And Expert Systems For Engineers.pdf 3809521
00000226 David Fulton- Thinking.It.Through.Linking.Language.Skills.(2005).pdf 869263
00000227 Elsevier - Strategic Information Management - 3rd, 2003.pdf 4361240
00000228 Elsevier Academic Press - Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition Fukunaga 1999.pdf 13110673
00000229 English Brainstormers - Ready-To-Use Games Activities That Make Language Skills Fun To Learn.pdf 2283337
00000230 Franz Baader - The Description Logic Handbook - Theory, Implementation and Applications.pdf 4398332
00000231 Idea Group - Managing It Skills Portfolios Planning Acquisition And Performance Evaluation 2004.pdf 2382050
00000232 Intellect Ltd - Artificial Intelligence And Software Engineering.pdf 2680142
00000233 Lawrence Erlbaum - Childrens.Reading.Comprehension.and.Assessment 2005.pdf 24354541
00000234 Lawrence Erlbaum - Handbook Of Language And Social Interaction 2005.pdf 39333119
00000235 OCDE - Research_on_Transport_Economics_1999.pdf 2078428
00000236 OCDE - Research_on_Transport_Economics_2000.pdf 2009173
00000237 Pattern Recognition Letters Elsevier August 2005.pdf 6042652
00000238 Prentice Hall - Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 1995.pdf 37986705
00000239 Prentice Hall - Artificial Intelligence Through Prolog.pdf 1166865
00000240 Queueing Networks and Markov Chains Modeling and Performance Evaluation with Computer Science Applications 2006.pdf 46598445
00000241 Springer - 20110749
00000242 Springer - Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence.pdf 26415081
00000243 Us Army Course - Reading Comprehension Study Methods And Time Management Skills.pdf 1128178
00000244 Wiley - Queueing Networks And Markov Chains - Modelling And Performance Evaluation With Computer Science Applications - 1998 ! - (By Laxxuss).pdf 54348741
00000245 WordNet - An Electronic Lexical Database - 1998 - Fellbaum.pdf 38714656
Files: 28     Size: 478 656 416 Bytes
00000246 Addison Wesley - Shaping Web Usability Interaction Design in Context.doc 6561792
00000247 Addison Wesley - Voice User Interface Design - 2004.chm 1294230
00000248 Apress - User Interface Design for Programmers.pdf 2989781
00000249 Clayton Lewis - Task-Centered User Interface Design (Lewis, Rieman, 1994).pdf 963971
00000250 Gordon Brebner - Computer in Communication.pdf 2681459
00000251 Idea Group - Issues Of Human Computer Interaction.pdf 2958785
00000252 Idea Group - Personal.Web.Usage.In.The.Workplace.chm 1376395
00000253 IRM Press - Human Computer Interaction Development and Management.pdf 3792057
00000254 IRM Press - Instructional.Technologies.Cognitive.Aspects.of.Online.Programs.pdf 3043558
00000255 IRM Press - Issues of Human Computer Interaction.pdf 3454613
00000256 John Benjamin - Getting Things Done at Work - The Discourse of Power in Workplace Interaction.pdf 45734574
00000257 John Wiley & Sons - About Face 2.0, The Essentials of Interaction Design (2003).chm 17863377
00000258 John Wiley & Sons - Essential Guide To User Interface Design 2002.pdf 19627944
00000259 John Wiley & Sons - Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.pdf 3132199
00000260 John Wiley & Sons - The Essential Guide to User Interface Design.pdf 7579601
00000261 Keith Andrews - Human-Computer Interaction.pdf 5689319
00000262 Kluwer Academic - Fundamentals_of_X_Programming_Graphical_User_Interfaces_and_Beyond.pdf 4525998
00000263 Kluwer Academic - Topic Detection And Tracking - James Allan.pdf 26381015
00000264 Lawrence Erlbaum - Proceedings of the 33th Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.pdf 19445885
00000265 Lawrence Erlbaum - The Handbook Of Task Analysis For Human Computer Interaction.pdf 11592888
00000266 Microsoft - Designing user interaction.pdf 4376639
00000267 MIT Press - MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences.pdf 12072159
00000268 National Academy of Sciences. - Buch.pdf 2665247
00000269 O'Reilly,_Information.Dashboard.Design.The.Effective.Visual.Communication.of.Data.(2006).BBL.LotB.chm 4377790
Files: 24     Size: 214 181 276 Bytes
Langage C/
00000270 Advanced C 1992.pdf 4278470
00000271 C and Data Structures - P.S. Deshpande.chm 7829210
00000272 Mastering Algorithms with C.chm 2014922
00000273 McGraw-Hill - C - The Complete Reference, 4th Ed.pdf 5797785
00000274 O' Reilly - Practical C Programming 3rd Edition.pdf 6152829
00000275 Sams - C Primer Plus 3rd Edition.chm 4003965
00000276 Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones_ Professional Development on Constrained Devices.pdf 6494412
00000277 The Art Of Computer Programming Vol4.pdf 3392854
00000278 The C Programming Language.pdf 2204049
Files: 9     Size: 42 168 496 Bytes
Langage Java/
00000279 Data Structures in Java - A Laboratory Course.pdf 3083685
00000280 Sams - Data Structures & Algorithms in Java.pdf 3187171
Files: 2     Size: 6 270 856 Bytes
Langage Javascript/
00000281 [Jon-Duckett]-JavaScript-and-JQuery_-Interactive-F( 95945988
00000282 A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript The new approach that uses technology to cut your effort in half by Mark Myers ( 1826923
00000283 Eloquent Javascript A Modern Introduction to Programming by Marijn Haverbeke ( 11535640
00000284 JavaScript for Dummies.pdf 7700962
00000285 JavaScript for Kids A Playful Introduction to Programming by Nick Morgan ( 14012848
00000286 JavaScript The Definitive Guide, Sixth Edition by David Flanagan ( 14129653
00000287 JavaScript The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford ( 1556228
00000288 Learn Javascript Visually by Ivelin Demirov ( 6124156
00000289 php-mysql-javascript-html5-all-in-one-for-dummies.pdf 14532893
00000290 Programming JavaScript Applications Robust Web Architecture with Node, HTML5, and Modern JS Libraries by Eric Elliott ( 8972100
00000291 You Dont Know JS ES6 Beyond by Kyle Simpson ( 6191387
Files: 11     Size: 182 528 778 Bytes
Langage Python/
00000292 (by-David-Beazley,-Brian-K.-Jones)-Python-Cookbook-2736444-( 10486518
00000293 (by-Gareth-James,-Daniela-Witten,-Trevor-Hastie,-R-2951557-( 10854982
00000294 (by-John-M.-Zelle)-Python-Programming-An-Introduc-3405239-( 5977609
00000295 High Performance Browser Networking What every web developer should know about networking and web performance by Ilya Grigorik ( 17184955
Files: 4     Size: 44 504 064 Bytes
Langage Visual Basic/
00000296 Apress 2003 - Data Entry And Validation With C# And Vb Net Windows Forms.pdf 8245225
00000297 Computer Programming Concepts and Visual Basic (Beginner How To) (1).pdf 8083388
00000298 OOP with Microsoft VB.NET and C# Step By Step.pdf 2777025
00000299 Oreilly - Programming Visual Basic Net.pdf 2579729
00000300 Visual Basic .NET and SQL Server 2000 (Sams).pdf 3906484
00000301 Visual Studio .NET Introduction to Visual Basic.pdf 4345081
Files: 6     Size: 29 936 932 Bytes
Langage XML/
00000302 (Ebook - Chm) Wrox - Beginning Xml, 2Ed - Xml Schemas, Soap, Xslt, Dom, And Sax 20.pdf 13668209
00000303 (EBOOK-PDF) - pROGRAMMING - xML bY eXAMPLE.PDF 3636333
00000304 Wrox Press - Professional XML Databases.pdf 7360874
Files: 3     Size: 24 665 416 Bytes
Learning Analytics/
00000305 [Dr._Herbert_Dawid_(auth.)]_Adaptive_Learning_by_G( (1).pdf 6379435
00000306 [Eric_Mayor]_Learning_Predictive_Analytics_with_R( 4149953
00000307 [Fridolin_Wild_(auth.)]_Learning_Analytics_in_R_wi( 9924426
00000308 [Johann_Ari_Larusson,_Brandon_White_(eds.)]_Learni( 3410359
00000309 [John_D._Kelleher_,_Brian_Mac_Namee_,_Aoife_D'Arcy( 14983232
00000310 [Patricia_Ann_Mabrouk_(Eds.)]_Active_Learning._Mod( 26862662
00000311 [Subhashini_Sharma_Tripathi_(auth.)]_Learn_Busines( 8879653
00000312 307-3-PB.pdf 3748197
00000313 2016_Samira-ElAtia_Data-Mining-Learning-Analytics-Applications.pdf 6466945
00000314 crpit_vol134_ausdm2012.pdf 16642763
00000315 ets_15_3.pdf 10428825
00000316 evolution-of-analytics-108240.pdf 4153057
00000317 hla17.pdf 14136122
00000318 kmi-13-04.pdf 3345330
00000319 OpenLearningAnalytics.pdf 4006254
00000320 SP13-3249_-Master17Aug2015-web.pdf 3123484
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00000321 Nakagawa A.S. LIMS - Implementation and Management (RSC, 1994)(085186824X).pdf 13699698
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Machine Learning/
00000322 (by-Andreas-C.-Mller,-Sarah-Guido)-Introduction-t-2600143-( 33153722
00000323 (by-Aurlien-Gron)-Hands-On-Machine-Learning-with-5207527-( 33053848
00000324 Deep Learning with PyTorch.pdf 17636694
00000325 Programming Collective Intelligence Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications by Toby Segaran ( 3462755
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00000326 Christophe Brasseur-Data Management _ Qualité des données et compétivité-Hermes Science Publications (2005).pdf 811377
00000327 Finance - Handbooks of Management Accounting Research, Volume 1 - Elsevier 2007.pdf 6348928
00000328 Handbook of Management Accounting Research - Vol 3 - C S Chapman, A G Hopwood & M D Shields (Elsevier Science) - 2009 [0080554504].pdf 2564557
00000329 Handbooks of Management Accounting Research, Volume 2.pdf 7886793
00000330 John Wiley & Sons, Life-Cycle Costing - Using Activity-Based Costing And Monte Carlo Methods To Manage Future Costs And Risks [2003 Isbn0471358851].pdf 3865911
00000331 Management and Cost Accounting 6th ed colin drury chapter10 p368-409 Activity Based Costing.pdf 5624635
Files: 6     Size: 27 102 201 Bytes
00000332 3rd Generation Mobile Communication Systems - 2000.pdf 1335784
00000333 Addison Wesley - Pocket PC Network Programming.chm 1656134
00000334 CRC press - Mobile.Internet.Enabling.Technologies.and.Services.Apr.2004.pdf 10078408
00000335 Crc Press - Signal Processing For Mobile Communications Handbook - 2005.pdf 8813020
00000336 Delmar_Thomson_Learning.Mobile_Device_Game_Development..pdf 63960521
00000337 Embedded_Java_Security_-_Security_for_Mobile_Devices_(Springer-2007).pdf 2945414
00000338 Flash Applications For Mobile Devices.pdf 11569822
00000339 GPRS for Mobile Internet (ISBN 158053600X) (2003).chm 12468711
00000340 GSM.and.UMTS.The.Creation.of.Global.Mobile.Communication.eBook-TFC.pdf 4651300
00000341 Idea Group - Mobile Commerce Application Development - 2005.pdf 6944602
00000342 Idea Group - Mobile Commerce. Technology, Theory and Applications 2003.pdf 10423900
00000343 Idea.Group.Publishing.Wireless.Communications.And.Mobile.Commerce 2004.chm 4488447
00000344 John Wiley & Sons - Advanced Wireless Communications. 4G Technologies.pdf 38102861
00000345 John Wiley & Sons - Emerging Wireless Multimedia Services And Technologies 2005.pdf 6239267
00000346 John Wiley & Sons - Mobile Ad Hoc Networking.pdf 6969752
00000347 John Wiley & Sons - Programming Mobile Devices - Apr 2007.pdf 1908911
00000348 John Wiley & Sons - 21118921
00000349 John.Wiley.and.Sons.Communication.Systems.for.the.Mobile.Information.Society2006.pdf 3930560
00000350 John.Wiley.and.Sons.Mobile.Interaction.Design.Feb.2006.pdf 7256734
00000351 Kluwer Academic - Wireless Communication Technologies New Multimedia Systems.pdf 10829231
00000352 McGraw-Hill - How to Do Everything with Your iPAQ Pocket PC, 2nd Ed.pdf 50665301
00000353 MS Press - Building .NET Applications for Mobile Devices.chm 7845467
00000354 MS.Press.-.Building.Microsoft.ASP.Dot.NET.Applications.for.Mobile.Devices.(2nd).chm 17604144
00000355 Principles of Mobile Communication 2002.pdf 16673039
00000356 The Mobile Communications Handbook.pdf 7668625
00000357 W-CDMA Mobile Communication Systems.pdf 7371281
00000358 Wi-Fi Handbook - Building 802.11b Wireless Networks.pdf 13548696
00000359 Wiley - 2001 - Mobile Satellite Communication Networks.pdf 4635141
00000360 Wiley - 2002 - IP for 3G - Networking Technologies for Mobile Communication.pdf 3144441
00000361 Wiley - Mobile & Wireless Design Essentials.chm 4361585
00000362 Wiley - WCDMA for UMTS - Radio Access for Third Generation Mobile Communications.pdf 29576379
00000363 Wiley & Sons - Building PDA Databases for Wireless and Mobile Development.pdf 5301749
00000364 Wiley,.Mobile.Telecommunications.Protocols.For.Data.Networks.2003.doc 5535232
00000365 Wiley.Programming.Mobile.Devices.Apr.2007.pdf 1879007
00000366 Wiley_Mobile_and_Wireless_Design_Essentials2003 1Ed.pdf 7657802
00000367 WileyMobileTelecommunicationsProtocols.For.Data.Networks 2003.pdf 2279663
00000368 Wireless Home Networking For Dummies.pdf 7454666
00000369 Wireless Network Security - 802.11, Bluetooth And Handheld Devices 2002.pdf 731553
Files: 38     Size: 429 626 071 Bytes
Mobile Learning/
00000370 Learning with Mobile Devices.pdf 4078180
00000371 mobile_learning.pdf 1183838
Files: 2     Size: 5 262 018 Bytes
MS Office/
00000372 99-data-analysis-with-microsoft-excel-updated-for-office-2007.pdf 11066272
Files: 1     Size: 11 066 272 Bytes
00000373 Elsevier - The Business Of Streaming And Digital Media - 2005.pdf 2198512
00000374 Elsevier, The Business of Streaming and Digital Media (2005).pdf 1251889
00000375 Idea Group - Encyclopedia Of Multimedia Technology And Networking - 2005.pdf 21509797
00000376 Idea Group - Information Management Support Systems and Multimedia Technology.pdf 4404919
00000377 OReilly Podcasting Hacks.chm 5784997
00000378 Que, Absolute Beginners Guide To Podcasting (2005) Bbl Lotb.chm 7692091
Files: 6     Size: 42 842 205 Bytes
00000379 (eBook - pdf) OLAP.pdf 2931275
00000380 Analytics and OLAP in SQL.pdf 13855124
00000381 AppDev - OLAP Cubes and Query. Professional Skills Development.pdf 2691733
00000382 Wiley OLAP Solutions Building Multidimensional Information Systems 2nd.pdf 6766051
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Opinion Mining/
00000383 Federico Alberto Pozzi, Elisabetta Fersini, Enza Messina, Bing Liu-Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks-Morgan Kaufmann (2017).pdf 10912975
00000384 Natural language processing for online applications.pdf 1344886
Files: 2     Size: 12 257 861 Bytes
Oriente Aspect/
00000385 Addison-Wesley - Aspect-Oriented Software Development with Use Cases 2004.chm 6422631
00000386 Aspect-Oriented Java Development.pdf 1628555
00000387 Manning_AspectJ_in_Action_Practical_Aspect-Oriented_Programming.pdf 5405870
00000388 Wiley Mastering AspectJ Aspect-Oriented Programming in Java.pdf 4532713
Files: 4     Size: 17 989 769 Bytes
00000389 Mike Amundsen-RESTful Web Clients_ Enabling Reuse Through Hypermedia-O'Reilly Media (2016).pdf 5096932
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Reseaux Capteurs/
00000390 (eBook) Wiley & Sons - Architecture-Independent Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks (2008).pdf 12123303
00000391 Artech House - 2005 - Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf 5754342
00000392 CRC Press - Handbook of Sensor Networks - Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems - 2005.pdf 24420699
00000393 CRC.Press.Wireless.Ad.Hoc.and.Sensor.Networks.Apr.2007.pdf 16278288
00000394 CRC.Press.Wireless.Sensor.Networks.Architectures.And.Protocols 2004.chm 8994473
00000395 handbook of sensor networks-algorithms and architectures.pdf 7700714
00000396 John Wiley & Sons - Wireless Sensor Networks Signal Processing and Communications Perspective - Dec 2007.pdf 3495710
00000397 Network 3525931
00000398 Protocols And Architectures For Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf 12942823
00000399 Sensor Network Operations - S Phoha, Et Al , (Wiley Ieee, 2006) Ww.pdf 7320282
00000400 Springer - Sensor Networks And Configuration (Zigbee).pdf 15358125
00000401 Springer 2008 Wireless Sensor Networks And Applications - Signals And Communication Technology.pdf 6287573
00000402 5635718
00000403 Springer.Secure.Localization.and.Time.Synchronization.for.Wireless.Sensor.and.Ad.Hoc.Networks.Nov.2006.pdf 61322974
00000404 Wiley - Mobile Wireless and Sensor Networks.2006.pdf 5524809
00000405 Wiley - Wireless Sensor Network Designs.pdf 3787065
00000406 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks - R. Jurdak (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf 2078088
00000407 Wireless Sensor Networks (2007).pdf 6200778
00000408 Wireless Sensor Networks Architectures And Protocols (CRC Press, 2004).pdf 4475336
Files: 19     Size: 213 227 031 Bytes
00000409 A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using SPSS - 2004.pdf 4688626
00000410 A Step-by-Step Guide for SPSS and Exercise Studies.pdf 8729496
Files: 2     Size: 13 418 122 Bytes
Systeme et Réseaux/
00000411 CRC Press - Network.Security.Technologies.Second.Edition.pdf 4537862
00000412 John Wiley & Sons - Qos - Measurement And Evaluation Of Telecommunications Quality Of Service.pdf 1575848
00000413 Wiley.IEEE.Press.Real.Time.System.Design.and.Analysis.An.Engineers.Handbook 2004.pdf 5850231
Files: 3     Size: 11 963 941 Bytes
Text Entry/
00000414 978-951-44-8299-1.pdf 3446031
00000415 Glyphs-Handbook-2013.pdf 2742298
00000416 Morgan.Kaufmann.Text.Entry.Systems.Mobility.Accessibility.Universality.Mar.2007.pdf 5874099
Files: 3     Size: 12 062 428 Bytes
00000417 CRC Press - Handbook Of Information Systems Management.pdf 13480939
00000418 CRC press - Handbook_of_Emerging_Communications_Technologies 1999.pdf 6003105
00000419 5933405
00000420 Elsevier.Strategic Information Management, 3rd ed. 2003.pdf 4447312
00000421 G.E.Hawisher - Biotechnology and Communication - The Meta-Technologies of Information.pdf 7014718
00000422 Idea Group - Advances in Economics of Information Systems - 2005.pdf 5016074
00000423 Idea Group - Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology 2005.pdf 27962331
00000424 Idea Group - Information and Communications Technology for Competitive Intelligence.chm 2693709
00000425 Idea Group - Strategic Knowledge Management Technology (2004).chm 9159824
00000426 Idea Group - The Handbook Of Information Systems Research - 2004.chm 2333395
00000427 Information Science Publishing-The Interaction Society-Practice Theories and Supportive Technologies.pdf 4118554
00000428 IRM.Press,.Video.Data.Management.and.Information.Retrieval.(2005).LotB.pdf 13678268
00000429 John Wiley & Sons - Information Technologies in Medicine, Volume I - Medical Simulation and Education.pdf 5380994
00000430 Management Information - Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Intelligence - D Vriens (Idea Group Publishing) - 2004.pdf 2503525
00000431 MIT Press - Improvisational Design Continuous, Responsive Digital Communication.pdf 2637148
00000432 Parchment, Printing and Hypermedia -Communication in World Order Transformation.pdf 1663351
00000433 Prentice Hall - Management Strategies For Information Technology.pdf 12200615
Files: 17     Size: 126 227 267 Bytes
00000434 Analytical Method Validation and Instrument Performance Verification.pdf 1665060
00000435 Apress - Data Entry and Validation with CSharp and VB.NET Window Forms 2003.chm 12665351
00000436 Artech House - Software Verification And Validation For Practitioners And Managers - 2001.pdf 3027126
00000437 BOOK_Project Risk Management - Processes, Techniques and Insights, Second edition_ Chris Chapman, Stephen Ward (Wiley, 2003).PDF 5935071
00000438 Computer Systems Validation in Clinical Research.pdf 566258
00000439 Elsevier - Development & validation of analytical methods - 1996.pdf 14140089
00000440 Good Laboratory Practice The Why And The How.pdf 3065340
00000441 John Wiley & Sons - Analytical.Method.Validation.and.Instrument.Performance.Verification.pdf 3509123
00000442 John Wiley & Sons - Inside The Fda - The Business And Politics Behind The Drugs We Take And The Food We Eat - 2005.pdf 1984295
00000443 John Wiley & Sons - Validation Of Telecom Systems With Sdl.pdf 3447965
00000444 John Wiley & Sons - Verification.and.Validation.for.Quality.of.UML.2.0.Models 2005.pdf 2995907
00000445 Kluwer Academic - Nano-Quantum And Molecular Computing -Design And Validation - 2004.pdf 6183871
00000446 López, Orlando-21 CFR Part 11_ Complete Guide to International Computer Validation Compliance for the Pharmaceutical Industry-CRC Press (2004).pdf 2820969
00000447 Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Analysis Wiley 2005.pdf 3139495
00000448 Orlando Lopez-21 CFR 11_ Complete Guide to International Computer Validation Compliance for the Pharmaceutical Industry-Informa Healthcare (2004).pdf 3108761
00000449 Wiley, Verification And Validation For Quality Of Uml 2.0 Models (2005) Ddu Ocr 7.0-2.6 Lotb.pdf 2921756
Files: 16     Size: 71 176 437 Bytes
00000450 1076 IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual.pdf 1849736
00000451 Brooks Cole - Microprocessor Design Vhdl.pdf 6062891
00000452 Delmar - Digital Design with CPLD Applications & VHDL.pdf 9004058
00000453 IEEE - IEEE Standard for VHDL.pdf 1037543
00000454 Kluwer Academic - VHDL - Coding Styles & Methodologies.pdf 12723403
00000455 Kluwer Academic - VHDL A Logic Synthesis Approach (1997).pdf 13406264
00000456 MC Graw Hill - VHDL Programming by Example 4th Ed Douglas L.Perry.pdf 2407522
00000457 MIT Press - Circuit Design with VHDL (2005).pdf 5250847
00000458 SunSoft Press - VHDL reference.pdf 22418776
00000459 Synario - VHDL Reference Manual.pdf 1472007
00000460 Xilinx - Programmable Logic Design - VHDL.pdf 8386774
00000461 Xilinx - VHDL Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide.pdf 3798870
00000462 Xilinx - VHDL Reference Guide.pdf 5273108
Files: 13     Size: 93 091 799 Bytes
00000463 Acm, Artificial Life For Graphics, Animation, Multimedia And Virtual Reality (reduced).pdf 16307805
00000464 AP profesional - Graphics CD-Rom Library, Gems I, II and III, Virtual reality, Radiosity, 1995.pdf 17609031
00000465 Artificial Life for Graphics, Animation, Multimedia and Virtual Reality, 1998, 386p.pdf 53966451
00000466 Elsevier Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook 2005.pdf 2091305
00000467 Idea Group - Encyclopedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies.pdf 11052434
00000468 Idea Group - Managing Virtual Web Organizations in the 21st Century 2002.pdf 2248984
00000469 Lawrence Erlbaum - Multimedia And Virtual Reality. Designing Usable Multisensory User Interfaces (2003).pdf 17582181
00000470 Multimedia And Virtual Reality Designing Usable Multisensory User Interfaces.pdf 17575574
00000471 Official Alias Training Guide-Learning Maya 6-Rendering (381 pages).pdf 81841763
00000472 Thalmann - Artificial Life And Virtual Reality (1994).pdf 15416330
00000473 Virtual Reality - Applications And Explorations.pdf 2311427
Files: 11     Size: 238 003 285 Bytes
00000474 (2006)Apress - Beginning Hibernate From Novice to Professional.pdf 2643901
00000475 ACM Press - Modern Information Retrieval.pdf 2052191
00000476 Blogging Genius Strategies For Instant Web Content.pdf 7238879
00000477 Content And Complexity - Information Design In Technical Communication.pdf 23562663
00000478 Creating Digital Content - Video Production for Web, Broadcast, and Cinema.pdf 4947843
00000479 Djoerd Hiemstra - Using language models for information retrieval.pdf 879061
00000480 eff McHugh-Maintaining a Positive Digital Footprint-Cherry Lake Publishing (2014).pdf 14664034
00000481 Elsevier -Web.Application.Design.Handbook.Best.Practices.for.Web.Based.Software 2004.pdf 53516827
00000482 Elsevier, Maintaining And Evolving Successful Commercial Web Sites (2003).chm 2038652
00000483 Idea Group - Information Science Publishing Technology Literacy 2005.pdf 69857592
00000484 Idea Group - Web and Information Security (2006) DDU OCR 7.0 LotB.pdf 4794550
00000485 Idea Group - Web Information Systems Feb 2004.pdf 4623022
00000486 Idea Group, Web Portals The New Gateways To Internet Information And Services (2005) DDU; BM OCR 6.0.pdf 6599660
00000487 Information Architecture For The World Wide Web - O'Reilly.chm 3319194
00000488 Information Retrieval.PDF 2758574
00000489 Information Science Publishing - Content and Workflow Management for Library Websites; Case Studies - 2005.pdf 6119675
00000490 Intelligent Agents For Data Mining And Information Retrieval.pdf 5631490
00000491 John Wiley & Sons - Asking Questions - The Definitive Guide to Questionnaire Design.pdf 4077864
00000492 Kathuria G. - Web Content Management with Documentum (2006).pdf 10051838
00000493 Lawrence Erlbaum - Adapting.Educational.and.Psychological.Tests.for.Cross-Cultural.Assessment..pdf 28518813
00000494 Lawrence Erlbaum - Communication of Complex Information Users-Goals and Information Needs for Dynamic Web Information (2005).pdf 21517408
00000495 Lawrence Erlbaum - 2005.pdf 22617125
00000496 Lawrence Erlbaum - 2005.pdf 25361469
00000497 Lawrence Erlbaum - 10458475
00000498 Lawrence Erlbaum - Multicultural.Assessment.Principles.Applications.and.Examples.2005.pdf 19426211
00000499 Lawrence Erlbaum - The Ambiguity of Teaching to the Test .pdf 7559096
00000500 Lawrence Erlbaum - The.Impact.of.New.Media.On.Writing.Assessment.pdf 12167191
00000501 New Riders - Blogging - Genius Strategies For Instant Web Content - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf 6953969
00000502 O'Reilly - Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, 2nd Edition.chm 5952276
00000503 Packt.Publishing.Managing.And.Customizing.OpenCMS.6.Websites.Java.JSP.Xml.Content.Management.Jun.2006.pdf 8536068
00000504 Research-based Web Design & Usability Guidelines.pdf 41126152
00000505 Social Information Retrieval Systems LIVRE.pdf 4260474
00000506 Springer Intelligent Document Retrieval Exploiting Markup Structure (The Information Retrieval Series).pdf 5073894
00000507 Unicode Demystified.pdf 7073163
00000508 Wessel Kraaij - Variations On Language Modeling For Information Retrieval.pdf 2216853
Files: 35     Size: 458 196 147 Bytes
Web Mining/
00000509 Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis.pdf 10516941
00000510 CRC Press - Web Data Mining And Applications In Business Intelligence.chm 26014076
00000511 Idea Group - Information Modeling For Internet Applications 2003.chm 9894231
00000512 Idea Group - Web Mining - Applications and Techniques - 2005.pdf 7383206
00000513 John Wiley & Sons - Tech Mining - 2005.pdf 4427844
00000514 Morgan Kaufmann - Mining the Web Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data.pdf 3123162
00000515 Springer - Survey of Text Mining - Clustering, Classification and Retrieval- 2004 .pdf 6115623
00000516 Sybex - Mining Google Web Services.chm 12203005
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Web Semantique - Ontologies/
00000517 Addison Wesley - XML Topic Maps Creating_and Using_Topic Maps_for the Web 2002.chm 2483158
00000518 Addison Wesley - XML Topic Maps.pdf 6284725
00000519 Automatically Generating Hypertext By Computing Semantic Similarity.pdf 1100819
00000520 Bennett B., Fellbaum C. Formal Ontology in Information Systems. FOIS 2006.pdf 4757844
00000521 CRC Press - Xml Databases And The Semantic Web - 2002.pdf 4557777
00000522 Idea.Web.Semantics.Ontology.2006.pdf 8807068
00000523 Iinfomesh - The Semantic Web An Introduction.pdf 32641115
00000524 John Wiley & Sons - Multimedia Content and the Semantic Web 2005.pdf 6738228
00000525 John Wiley & Sons - Semantic Web Web Services Knowledge Management.pdf 4590553
00000526 John Wiley & Sons - The Semantic Web A Guide to the Future of XML.pdf 4160577
00000527 John Wiley & Sons - Towards The Semantic Web - Ontology-driven Knowledge Management 2003.pdf 3149586
00000528 John Wiley & Sons -Trends and Research in Ontology-based Systems 2006.pdf 4572927
00000529 Manning - Explorers Guide to The Semantic Web 2005.pdf 4992140
00000530 MIT Press - A Semantic Web Primer - 2004.pdf 1362191
00000531 Ontological Semantics - Sergei Nirenburg_Victor Raskin.pdf 3322564
00000532 OReilly - Practical RDF - Shelley Powers.chm 1879402
00000533 Semantic Mining Technologies for Multimedia Databases (IGI Global 2009).pdf 16495704
00000534 Springer - Dictionary of XML Technologies and the Semantic Web - Vladimir Geroimenko.pdf 4683973
00000535 Springer - Information Sharing on the Semantic Web - Stuckenschmidt_Harmelen.pdf 6292573
00000536 Springer - Intelligent.Information.Integration.for.The.Semantic.Web.2005.pdf 4604561
00000537 Springer - Ontologies_Silver.Bullet.for.Knowledge.Management.and.Electronic.Commerce.pdf 4410576
00000538 Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web, 2 conf., WES 2003(LNCS3095, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540223967)(161s).pdf 2438864
00000539 Wiley - Towards The Semantic Web - Ontology-Driven Knowledge Management.pdf 11060605
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