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The 3rd International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications (ISIA 2018)
                                               06-07 November 2018
                                  University Mohamed Boudiaf, M’sila, Algeria


Objectives and topics
The third International Symposium on Informatics and its Applications
ISIA 2018 will provide an exciting opportunity for researchers and
practitioners to share ideas and experiences in different topics of
Informatics area and its applications. The Symposium looks for
significant contributions to all major fields of the computer science
in theoretical and practical aspects.

The ISIA 2018 topics include:

·        Track 1: Computational Intelligence and Image Processing
·        Track 2: Information Systems and Databases.
·        Track 3: Information Technology, Networks and Distributed Systems
·        Track 4: Optimization and Operational Research
·        Track 5: Computer Security and Cryptography
·        Track 6: Computer Systems and Applications

Important dates
- Paper submission due (Extended) :   June 30, 2018
- Acceptance notification:  September 16, 2018
- Camera-ready submission:  September 30, 2018
- Conference date:  November 06-07, 2018

We invite researchers and scholars to submit their papers for the
conference to be held on November 6th, 7th 2018. Papers must be
written in English. Authors are kindly invited to submit articles of
up to 6 pages (including figures, tables and references), using the
IEEE standard template

Papers should be submitted electronically as pdf format without author(s) name.

Papers should be sent to the ISIA'2018 EasyChair website:

Only original work will be considered. Hence, authors should make sure
that their submissions do not substantially overlap works that have
been already published or simultaneously submitted to another journal
or conference. Original submissions will be examined thoroughly, and
all accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Some selected papers will be published in the following journals:

Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) - (Indexed in Scopus)
Editor-in-Chief: Francisco José García-Peñalvo, University of Salamanca, Spain

Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
Editor-in-Chief: George Daniel Mateescu, Bucharest, Romania

Models & Optimization and Mathematical Analysis Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mostefa BELARBI, Université de Tiaret, Algérie

Revue de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (RIST)
Editor-in-Chief: Hassina Aliane, CERIST, Algérie

Best regards,
Dr. Lamiche Chaabane
ISIA2018 General Chair

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