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Special session: workshop/tutorial on e-Learning


International Conférence on Communication, Management and 
            Information Technology“ (ICCMIT 2016)

Information Technology track

Title : Current and emerging Innovative uses  of IT's , social networks, Web 2.0 and Multimedia in digital learning and University Teaching Practices

Author : Prof BOUKELIF Aoued

ICT’s Research Team, Communication Networks, Architectures

and Multimedia laboratory , University of S.B.A


Tel. GSM: 0556937003


During the last decade, ICT has attracted and fascinated a large number of teachers and learners, but have they been a real benefit to teaching?.

This communication examines the innovative uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education. To what extent ICTs are they really used?

To achieve what objectives? And get what results?

What parades did the teachers found to overcome the difficulties related to the physical isolation of learners?. And the new roles of these learners, what are they?

This communication deals with the innovative usages of IT’s in teaching and addresses the following issues: 

  • Innovative teaching 
  • Active pedagogy 
  • Collaborative learning through problem solving and implementation of educational projects:
  • Problem based learning Integrating IT’s in university teaching
  • Serious games
  • Flipped pedagogy
  •  Differentiated teaching
  •  Blended learning
  • Skills approach
  •  Mobile Learning
  •  Pedagogical use of social media, social networking and Web 2.0
  • Social learning or training 2.0
  •  Innovative Universities.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline             

15 February 2016

Notification of acceptantes

28 February 2016

Camera ready and registration     

15 March 2016

Conférence Date                              

26-29 April 2016

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