Call for Papers
3rd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications
13 15th December 2011, Saida , Algeria
Conference Aims:
The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications
CIIA’11 will be focused on the various aspects of advances in computer
science and its applications and will feature world-renowned keynote speakers
and excellent technical program addressing the technology landscape and current
challenges in different topics including Software Engineering, Distributed
System, Artificial Intelligence and more, etc. This event is a great
opportunity for local and foreign attendees to exchanges knowledge and
experience in various fields of IT.
Important Dates:
All dates are final. There will be no delay or postponement granted.
Submission Deadline : 15th October 2011
Notification of Acceptance : 15th November 2011
Final camera ready paper : 25th November 2011
* Submissions (anonymous) via the EasyChair conference system.
Complete 6-page papers (in standard IEEE double-column format), including
title, authors' names, affiliations and e-mail addresses, as well as a short
abstract are required. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format
through the website. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
Authors of best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for publication in a journal.
--Conference Chair
Abdelmalek AMINE, Taher Moulay University of Saida
--Program Chairs
Monréal , Canada New South wales, Australia
- Zakaria ELBERRICHI, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
--Program Committee (to be completed)
M.K. ABDI - U.Oran, Algeria
E. ABDELWAHED - Marrakech, Morocco
R. ADJOUDJ - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Y. AIT AMEUR - Poitiers, France
D. AMAR BENSABER - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
A. AMINE - Saida, Algeria
A. AMIRAT - Souk Ahras, Algeria
B. ATMANI - U.Oran, Algeria
M.C. BABAHENINI - Biskra, Algeria
L. BABA-HAMED, U.Oran, Algeria
A. BALLA - ESI-Alger, Algeria
G. BELALEM - U.Oran, Algeria
B. BELATAR - Batna, Algeria
H. BELBACHIR - USTOran, Algeria
L. BELLATRECHE - Poitiers. France
K. BENATCHBA - ESI-Alger, Algeria
R. BENLAMRI - Lakehead University, Canada
y. BENMIMOUN - Mascara, Algeria
M. BENMOHAMED - Constantine, Algeria
S.M BENSLIMANE - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
A. BILAMI - Batna, Algeria
K. BOUAMRANE - U.Oran, Algeria
M. BOUFAIDA - Constantine, Algeria
A. BOUKELIF - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
R.CHALAL - ESI-Alger, Algeria
A. CHAOUI - Constantine, Algeria
M.A. CHIKH - Tlemcen, Algeria
S. CHIKHI - Constantine, Algeria
A. CHOUARFIA - USTOran, Algeria
M. DJOUDI - Poitiers, France
M.K FARAOUN - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
A. GAFOUR - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
F. GARGOURI - Sfax, Tunisia
N. GHOUALMI - Annaba, Algeria
F. GUILLET Nantes, France
M.S. HACID - LIRIS, Lyon , France
A. HADID - Oul
3rd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications
13 15th December 2011, Saida , Algeria
Conference Aims:
The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications
CIIA’11 will be focused on the various aspects of advances in computer
science and its applications and will feature world-renowned keynote speakers
and excellent technical program addressing the technology landscape and current
challenges in different topics including Software Engineering, Distributed
System, Artificial Intelligence and more, etc. This event is a great
opportunity for local and foreign attendees to exchanges knowledge and
experience in various fields of IT.
Important Dates:
All dates are final. There will be no delay or postponement granted.
Submission Deadline : 15th October 2011
Notification of Acceptance : 15th November 2011
Final camera ready paper : 25th November 2011
* Submissions (anonymous) via the EasyChair conference system.
Complete 6-page papers (in standard IEEE double-column format), including
title, authors' names, affiliations and e-mail addresses, as well as a short
abstract are required. Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format
through the website. Only electronic submissions will be accepted.
Authors of best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for publication in a journal.
--Conference Chair
Abdelmalek AMINE, Taher Moulay University of Saida
--Program Chairs
Monréal , Canada New South wales, Australia
- Zakaria ELBERRICHI, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
--Program Committee (to be completed)
M.K. ABDI - U.Oran, Algeria
E. ABDELWAHED - Marrakech, Morocco
R. ADJOUDJ - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Y. AIT AMEUR - Poitiers, France
D. AMAR BENSABER - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
A. AMINE - Saida, Algeria
A. AMIRAT - Souk Ahras, Algeria
B. ATMANI - U.Oran, Algeria
M.C. BABAHENINI - Biskra, Algeria
L. BABA-HAMED, U.Oran, Algeria
A. BALLA - ESI-Alger, Algeria
G. BELALEM - U.Oran, Algeria
B. BELATAR - Batna, Algeria
H. BELBACHIR - USTOran, Algeria
L. BELLATRECHE - Poitiers. France
K. BENATCHBA - ESI-Alger, Algeria
R. BENLAMRI - Lakehead University, Canada
y. BENMIMOUN - Mascara, Algeria
M. BENMOHAMED - Constantine, Algeria
S.M BENSLIMANE - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
A. BILAMI - Batna, Algeria
K. BOUAMRANE - U.Oran, Algeria
M. BOUFAIDA - Constantine, Algeria
A. BOUKELIF - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
R.CHALAL - ESI-Alger, Algeria
A. CHAOUI - Constantine, Algeria
M.A. CHIKH - Tlemcen, Algeria
S. CHIKHI - Constantine, Algeria
A. CHOUARFIA - USTOran, Algeria
M. DJOUDI - Poitiers, France
M.K FARAOUN - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
A. GAFOUR - Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
F. GARGOURI - Sfax, Tunisia
N. GHOUALMI - Annaba, Algeria
F. GUILLET Nantes, France
M.S. HACID - LIRIS, Lyon , France
A. HADID - Oul