Formations aux TIC en Algérie

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IPAC 2015

Rubrique : Conférences Internationales - par behaz

International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing,Security and Advanced Communication
IPAC 2015
23-25 November 2015 Batna, Algeria

All accepted Papers (regular, short and poster ) will be published by ACM - International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and will be available in ACM Digital Library  ACM ICPS is indexed in DBLP ,ACM send all published materials to Elsevier for indexing in their products
Extended papers will publish (after review ) in 07 special issues (04 indexed in scopus, 02 in ACM and DBLP and 01 in INSPEC), for publishing extended papers from IPAC conference

Important Dates

Paper Submission
Submitted regular papers should have a maximum paper length of Five (5) pages including all figures, tables and references.
An additional page surcharge must be paid per additional page.
Template :

General Chair
Abdel-Badeeh Salem, Ain Shams University, Egypt

General Co-Chair
Homero Toral-Cruz, University of Quintana Roo , Mexico

Program Chairs
Faouzi Hidoussi, University Hadj Lakhdar Batna, Algeria
Djallel Eddine Boubiche, University Hadj Lakhdar Batna, Algeria

HIDOUSSI Faouzi, UHL Batna, Algeria
Telephone: +213 668 89 74 77 Or +213 798 54 62 88
Adresee: BP G28 Hadj Lakhdar BATNA , 05010 Algeria.

Date de création : 11/02/2015 10:02
Page lue 1708 fois

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